International postgrade on management abilities and personal leadership in a financial organization.

“Companies and emotional management”

International postgrade on management abilities and personal leadership in a financial organization.

Data sheet:

Presented by: L.C.P & Coach Noemi Sosa Valdespino

Certified by Universidad de Barcelona. Spain

Headquarters: Facultad de Estudios Superiores – Cuautitlán Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Coordination: Lic. Nora Cureño Peza

Accounting School

Email: or Whatsapp: +34 637 10 23 54

9:00 to 14:00hrs and17:00 to 20:00hrs

Directed to:

To all the students who have 100% of the subjects recognized and want to:

  • Enlarge you knowledge and abilities on personal leadership in institutions, companies and work teams.
  • Learn coaching to become a leader-coach in the financial environment.


You need to submit the following documents :

– English knowledge certificate.

– Released of social service.

– Academic historial with 100% subjects recognized.

We have limited places, so you have to send your request to  annexing a letter with your motivation to course the Postgrade and a actualized CV.


From a skeptical and scientific perspective we will deal with the comprehension and behaviour of a person. Through deepening, discovering and developing the talent and personal potential   we intend the construction of a personal life more satisfactory and full.

The main tool will be using and developing teleological and strategical coaching.Teleology cames from the greek Τελος (Telos), that means finality, fullness, carrying out. Teleology answer three questions:

* What will i do it for? Oriented to finality.

* Where I want to arrive? Oriented to destiny.

* What does it mean? Seeking integration.


We will develop four blocks.
I.- Personal leadership development

Develop the personal and professional abilities in Self-knowledge, Self-esteem, Asertiveness, Emotional Intelligence and Interdependence for the UNAM Accounting Graduates so they can grow to be the best person, professional or leader that they want to be.
II.- Entrepreneurship and effectiveness development.

Theme I: Habits.

If the clothes don’t make the man, ¿what is what really makes the man?. Habits are the repetition of behaviours that get establish as something normal in the personal day to day.

Theme II: Emotional intelligence

People generate 22000 emotions per day. 90% of the decisions we take are guided by emotions. A good manager has to be able to emit three positive emotions for each negative emitted. Between humans there are no neutral emotions.

Theme III: Talent development

Develop in all the candidates to be Graduates in Accounting a real personal knowledge, working their capacities and strong points up. In this manner we would see also the weak points so we can propose tools to change and improve it, so the student himself would find the values that connect him with the professional that wants to be, aligning his personal a professional purpose.
III.- The Leader – Coach 

Theme I: Neuroleadership 

Neuroscience applied to leadership. Know the last scientific discoveries on the human mind and how its works to apply it to be more effective leaders.

Theme II: Communication

Develop in the future Graduates in Accounting their presentation and selling abilities so they can sell their projects externally and internally; nowadays being capable of communicating our ideas to be considered is one of the most important skills in a company. Developing this skill is key to achieve our goals.

IV.- Team Coaching

Nowadays is very useful to have the knowledge to influence other people inside an organization. Personal leadership makes possible to develop a higher perfomance with ourselves and also with the other people in the organization. The students and future UNAM Graduates in Accounting will need to have a higher performance, personally and professionally in the company where they will be hired to work or as a freelance professionals.