The only requirement needed by a person who wants to contact me is being interested in making himself stronger.
With the seminars or the coaching services this person would be able to change his habits, create his own environment, to reach his dreams, goals, objectives or achieve that personal or professional change so much desired.
Mi task is to go along with my client to hear himself clearly to see where is he situated, help him to feel, see and hear everything that concerns him i a conscious and passionate manner.
Achieving that the client is able to distinguish his own reality, that he is not able to change, from his problem, that he is able to act and change; reaching then his own success.
My goal is making the people seeing and hearing in a conscious manner, getting for themselves much more action alternatives in their lives.
I am somebody that never gets tired of learning.
This fact has driven me fromTulpetlac, a suburb in Mexico, DF, to my live today here in Barcelona. The link from my childhood days to my actual me is my hunger for always grow and learn.
This hunger of knowing has made me visit a lot of different places as Easter Island, or a four month travel in Asia through Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, India and Australia. I have always followed a feeling I have, a need of more answers about the world I live, so I also went to so enigmatic places as Perito Moreno, yes, in the end of the world. I never settle being only an observer, I’ve always wanted to live as the people in these countries do, because the other important driving force in my live is the people.
All around the world I’ve met people to learn from, people to share with to grow toghether, and that makes me believe in people over all.
Beleiving in people and believing in me is the reason that challenging me is one of the things I do the best. My last one? Apnea, my 11 meters record makes me so happy.
I want to continue traveling, knowing people and growing.
The only great truth after travelling in this countries, eat their food, talk to the people, and live with them is that the human being acn be different by its language, culture, religion and a thousend things, but suffers and is happy for the same things…from England to Australia.
You can learn more about my trips in my blogs y
When I was still a child I learnt that study a lot and work hard would let me go out of my neiborhood, grow as a person, and arrive to any place I could purpose myself.
After the school, where I was a good student, I enroll the UNAM, the National University of Mexico, where I studied Public Accountancy, specialized in Finance.
During some time this was my life, working in Mexico, in finance, something that I enjoyed so much and that help me learn a lot about the business world. I worked with some important companies as Banamex, Bital Bank, Inbursa, or Casa Mapfre and also worked by myself in the tax area for some little companies.
Later I realized that my future was outside my country. If I wanted to continue growing I had to leave Mexico and fly to Europe; so I moved to London where I lived three years working in the commercial area of some hotels downtown. As I lived in London I decided to travel aroud Europe including Russia and Turkey, learning how to manage turistic companies in this countries. I continue learning and studied a course on financial markets in the EU in the Birbeck University.
After being in Lodon I decide to move to Barcelona and stay there, and Barcelona has become my adoption city in Europe. There I followed my education with a Bachelor in Business Administration, also a Degree in Economics and a Master in Coaching and Personal Leadership, all in the University of Barcelona ( UB). This was a very important milestone in my life, and I realized that although I liked business, the thing I wanted to do in my life was helping people.
In this moment begins my story as a Coach; a story that I hope will never end, just the opposite…